You were made for a
beautiful, joy-filled life!
Well, hello there! Are you a photographer, designer, or creative entrepreneurs who wants to trade going-through-the-motions for a beautiful, intentionally crafted life of wholeness, peace, and joy? If this sounds like you, read on friend!
Over the past 10 years, I’ve learned quite a bit about keeping my family goals primary, while also being a stewarding of the gifts and talents given to me in order to serve others outside my family. I have realized that my greatest contribution to the world is to continually grow into wholeness - to be the joyful, peaceful, radiant woman I was created to be!
Could you use a little more joy and peace in your life?
Do you feel exhausted at the end of the day, desperate for some down time, only to wake up tired again the next day?
Has motherhood brought out an ugly, angry side of you that makes you feel weighed down and sad by the end of each night?
Do you feel like you’re never measuring up as a mom/wife/friend/business-owner?
Do you secretly want more for your family life, but feel guilty just thinking about it?
Do you love being with you kids, but also have an aching desire to use other gifts and talents to contribute to others without guilt?
Answering yes to even ONE of those questions is enough to weigh heavily on you! I know firsthand the grand expectations we put on ourselves as moms and the feeling of not being equipped or trained enough to rise to the occasion.
But, what if there is a better way? What if you could become a student of yourself, harnessing your thoughts, feelings, and desires in a way that served you and your family well? What if you were surrounded by other women who were committed to growing into their best self also, surrounding you with the encouragement you need to step into your elevated self? What if you could be more peaceful and joyful right now, even without changing any circumstances in your life?
It is completely possible, my friend.
I believe that a woman FULLY-ALIVE is the single, greatest gift she can give to those around her. So, what is holding you back from becoming that woman? I know, I know. You’re exhausted, your short on help, you feel pulled in a million different directions and you’re just waiting for things to slow down a bit.
But, what if now is the time to start showing up fully-alive? There are a lot of narratives out there that say moms are exhausted, hot messes, that gave up sleep and real clothes a long time ago. But, what if you could model a different story for your children?
What would it feel like to look forward to your alarm clock in the morning, with a head full of plans for tackling the day and doing the things that will actually create the life you deeply desire to live?
What if you loved and appreciate your life as it is now AND knew how to craft a plan to keep growing into the person you are called to be?